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Why We Are Raising Meat Chickens

First off let me just take a minute to let you know how we will be raising them.

After a few weeks, on organic grain, they will be moved into the Chicken Tractors. The Chicken Tractors are to keep the Chickens OUTSIDE in a safe environment.

With the Chicken Tractors, EVERY DAY the Chickens will get brand new grass, ground, and bugs to dig through and eat.

This differs from a lot of Meat Chickens being kept in a warehouse type situation and never seeing the light of day, feeling the sunshine, and being able to scratch at nature on the grass.

People buy chicken frequently.

Americans will eat a record 93 pounds of chicken per person in 2018, according to the U.S.Department of Agriculture.

-Yes they are being raised for Meat.

Which means they will one day be part of a nutritious meal.

(In Approx. 8 Weeks)

So we asked ourselves...Why not raise our own Meat Chickens and give them the best 8 weeks of their lives?

-We know they will be treated as good as possible for their lifespan.

-We will know what is in the mouth of our children at dinner time. No preservatives or added hormones.

-We will know where our food actually comes from.

-We will know that we can sustain life a little easier off of the farm for our own family and to help our community.

These are just some of the reasons why we have chosen to take this path.

Here is a video below of Our Chicken Tractors and The Meat Chickens arrival on the Farm.

Will you be buying meat from a Farm verses a Big "Manufacturer" this year? Wilson Wonders

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