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Why Mini Nubians?

Mini Nubians otherwise known as Nubian Dwarf goats are a cross between Nubian dairy goats and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats.

The reason for breeding these two are to produce a goat with good milking lines, but in a smaller size.


The Floppy Ears Are SOOOOOOOOO


With this crossbreed; size and characteristics are dependent on the generation level of the goats.

After the sixth generation they can be a registered purebred.

Ours are after the sixth generation and while they are too young for this year, next year they will have beautiful babies and produce terrific milk. Most goats have a litter of two, however they can have four or five. Five is a high number and could actually be harmful to the mother.

They also have a sweet and loving personality, which makes them a good match for our family farm.

Mini Nubian Does usually range from 22-25 inches in height and Bucks can grow up to 27 inches tall. Their weight is typically from 100-135 pounds.

With having the smaller size goat, you have lower feed costs and smaller housing needs. Also did I mention they are grazers?? Of COURSE THEY ARE...Bonus for us because we have plenty of space to graze, for sure!

Even though they are a smaller goat, the Mini Nubian produces as much as 2 quarts of milk a day. This mean we could end up with 7 gallons of milk per week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super Awesome!

As compared to a Nigerian Dwarf, they are a little bit taller which allows for easier milking.

With the milk supply we will be making soap, cheese, and of course drinking it.

Their milk is said to be sweet and very comparable to a cow's milk.

We can also use any extra milk to help feed other animals on our farm.

While we love our pets....Every animal has a purpose.

In the video below you can see our goats that we have on our farm here at Wilson Acres.

When Finn Met Penelope and Gertrude!

~As well as a sneak peak of another little gift this year~

What would you do with goat's milk? Wilson Wonders

Thank you for reading.

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