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Where Have We Been...MIA.

Updated: May 29, 2022

Yes we have been missing in action in the blog world for quite some time now. As I am still awake at 3:36 am and unable to settle my mind I figured why not write a blog. My mind is racing. We have so many projects going on and lots to do tomorrow.

So naturally I just went to the kitchen to bake and made a homemade loaf of cinnamon raisin bread to start the day off right. What a great thing for my family to wake to. The smell just fills every air pocket through out the house. Plus slicing into a warm loaf of bread and spreading some homemade honey butter on just can't beat that.

So here is a quick update on us and then in the following blogs I will get more into detail.

Our Family has grown up quickly I feel. Chris and I met 6 years ago and the time has flown by. besides literally growing our family...all of the projects we have taken on together and accomplishing lots of our has been a whirlwind.

First things first, we sold our farm.

This was an extremely fast and a shockingly unbelievable decision. After all the building, constructing, finally finding the animals we dreamed of ..etc. Running a successful pumpkin patch, you pick flower bed, and donuts on the farm on Sunday Mornings...

Chris had just applied for a great job that would take him on an even further drive to and from home. We had talked for a few days and all night about that; we talked about our drama from some of the lake residents and still concluded that we were staying put.

We woke up that next morning and poured a cup of coffee. Looked out front window in our kitchen and simultaneously said I don't want to live here anymore. I will write more depth in the following blogs because well there is a lot and some of it may shock you. It did us.

Chris did get his new job and loves it.

He only has to drive 20 mins now instead of the 1 hr 10 min he had been doing for 3 years. Way less stress, especially on ice roads in Michigan.

We moved our family.

Moving a family of five is different than just moving a family of three. Besides that you obviously have way more items, clothing, toys, playscape...the emotional, mental and physical toll that it takes on you is pretty intense. This was the home I brought my babies home to. This was hard. This was our 30 acres and our "dream". We are rebuiling EVERYTHING. We are tired and excited.

We have now had 4 miscarriages

4 angel babies, for no medical reason that can be explained. I celebrate every pregnancy like it may last. This is still a life we created together and how could you approach it in any other way. Physically, emotionally, and mentally this has also been a long road. Beautiful but long.

Chris’ Grandpa has passed.

He made it into the great beyond and through the pearly gates into Heaven. Obviously this hits hard and a lot to process. We love them and miss him greatly.

I have been baking and cooking ALOT more.

I have always love to but I just have more time now. My kids enjoy being in the kitchen and it is a nice change in our family activity.

I became ordained.

I had a girlfriend that I have known since 6th grade that was engaged and I loved the idea of being the person that "married" them. So I did it. I am so happy I have the opportunity to do this for other couples as well and continue to spread smiles and happiness.

Suzie had her first litter

This was a very exciting time and our hands were full. All of the puppies are in their new homes and doing great. We are in the process of building a new outdoor kennel arrangement and renovating a part of our home for the grown dogs with a separate "Puppy Palace". for pregnant Mamas and their Babies.

We have SOOO many projects going. Between rebuilding parts of the farm and making our yard/house feel like ours. With two little is hard to complete a task after my husband's regular job every week. Together once again with goals and timelines in hand..we are making it happen with teamwork.

We followed the trend and made a TikTok just so we could document some rebuilding and memories without having to take hours to edit a video on YouTube. Check us out here:

So with all of the above and getting the kids settled into the new house. Apparently this left no time mentally or physically to be opening up my laptop and writing down what has been happening with us and our farm.

I should have continued to write, I should have found the time. Like baking, and reading; this is good for my soul. My typing may not always be perfect and have a few grammatical errors. I still love it.

With great manifestation, positivity, mediation, prayer, kindness, love, patience, and understanding towards one another we continue with our next great chapter.

How do you cope with life changes? Do you keep a journal? Wilson Wonders

Please read future blogs to read more into each one of the subjects above. Thank you for reading.

If anyone would like to donate to the restart of our farm, we will accept with open hearts. Thank you for helping us continue our dreams. Here is the link to one of the options. The rest are located in the Farm Store tab above.

There are three options to choose from and you can add as many quantities as you would like ❤️ Thank You

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