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Reason #2: Making A Budget

While enjoying my coffee out of my new mug that my lovely client gifted me with; I question my role in our new adventure.

Yes, while I am a pretty super amazing Multi-Tasking Hairdressing Mama, I am striving to become the rest of the description.

Life Changing & Miracle Worker

We are homesteading to change our lives and some lives around us; so check mark Life Changing off of the list. Hopefully that in itself will be a working miracle for our children to witness.

However that term is pretty hard to live up to....Miracle Worker..Mother Theresa?. Now Super Woman I believe I can tackle that term and make it mine.

Our Budget

I have always been pretty good with finances and my budget. (well for like 10 years now) That was one of the qualities that caught my Husband's eye. Planning out my monthly bills, putting them into a calendar, planning some kind of savings, etc.

Theses Last Few Years

While we found many items on marketplace for free or very low cost, which we are very thankful for; We also spend a lot of money on our farm.

Some items we bought/spent money on:


-Trees to be planted

-Materials to make Chicken Coops/Animal Homes/Kennels

-An addition to our home for an indoor Kennel for our Mastiffs

and a place for our outdoor clothing(muck boots, overalls, etc)

-An outdoor kennel for the Mastiffs

-An awesome pontoon (from great neighbors)so we can fish and also supply our family with a virtually free family fun time in the summer.

-A tractor, which we are thankful for because we use it daily on different projects.

There are many more items, but after sitting down and looking at all receipts and book keeping we realized that this year we really needed to have a better budget of some kind. This budget also helps by giving us a timeline with our goals, a realistic one.

Found here:

I love this style calendar because not only do I have a bigger box per day for our bills but I also have a side bar to write in days with important events. So on the left I may write in "Jan. 24th usable 200.00"

and then below that "chicken fence".

I usually budget out 6 months and sometimes a year in advance. Some of you may be thinking WOW, but when you have certain things that need to be done on a timely basis like PLANTING A GARDEN, that timeline is very important.

I also do the same on separate calendars, one of them is for a school calendar. As well as one for our work schedules and vacations.

Doing this may seem tedious, but in the end you really get an idea of not only goal timelines and budget, but you get a real sense of accomplishment and feel a lot more prepared. For instance I like to plan trips when we know we have that extra paycheck coming in.

This year we are doing something new as well. We are saving EVERY RECEIPT!!!!!! Even those ones that are a "secret" (like a quick candy bar). Just to see where extra money may be going.

Just think of all of the money that is spent in your daily household. I challenge you to save those receipts.

If I have A Million Dollars......? Wilson Wonders

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