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Puppy Must Haves

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

When you are planning to bring your new puppy home there are so many items to consider. Let me break it down for you into the Top Ten Must Haves.

#1 A Puppy Food That Fits

When you look at all of the different food options out there, there are so many!

Some have more protein or more fats. Some are chicken, beef, or all veggie. It can be head spinning; just keep to the basics.

For Our Dogs.....

The goal is to have a balanced diet based on a ratio close to this:

Protein (min.) 24.0%-28%, Fat (min.) 14.5%-18%, Fiber (max.) 4.0%

The back of the bag usually breaks down the ingredients for you.

Our Dogs seem to like a mixture of dry kibble along with raw/cooked natural food.

Honestly you will find many different dog foods that fit the criteria. When I said above to pick the one that fits, I meant one that has the right nutrients but also one that fits in your budget. Its ok to find a non "name brand" dog food if it still provides your fury friend with what they need.

For our future puppy owners: we send home a bag of dog food with each puppy to be incorporated with whichever dog food you may choose. This will help them adjust and cut down on upset tummies.

#2 Kennel or Crate

We are a strong supporters of crate training for many reasons.

~The puppy gets an automatic sense of security.

~There are not "messes" left all around your house from either chewing or pooping/peeing.

~They start to learn that that is their area, their home and they are less likely to poop in it. Once they figure that out.

Buy a crate that will be big enough for when they are full grown but put a divider in to allow just a enough space for your pup to turn around in. The more room you allow, the bigger the chance that they will just think the back half is their private potty.

Same goes brands do not matter. Metal Frame and plastic tray are ideal. Easy to clean!!!!!

We usually give them a pee pad, or old "dog towel" and a chew toy to stop boredom.

Which brings us to....

#3 Dog Toys

You will be tempted to buy every super soft cuddly toy, don't do it. You will have fluff n stuff everywhere. Instead buy a chew proof cuddle toy.

Usually these have rope legs. The puppies love them to gnaw on. They also find it fun to throw them around.

If you happen to buy a toy with a squeaker, that is your furbaby. While these toys are entertaining.. if they do rip them open they could choke on the plastic squeaker that is inside.

We send each of our puppy families home with a toy that also has been cuddled up to mom so they have a familiar scent to keep them company.

#4 Dog Treats

You will be soon potty training your new puppy. So you are going to need a reward. Sometimes just the happy voice telling your dog "good boy" "good girl" is enough. Other times some dogs need a treat incentive. We usually keep some mini treats around. We started making our own Wilson Acres dog treats because then we would know what was actually in them. A treat that has benefits, not just artificial colorings and ingredients we couldn't say. Click Here to go to the blog about the new treats.

They are also good to have on hand when they are learning sit, stay, come. Simple commands made simpler with a treat after they follow the command.

#5 A Good Dog Grooming Brush

We love the gloves..They are on your hands which the puppy knows as a soft touch so it's a little less scary than an extra object coming at them.

They also clean up easily. The hair releases smoothly and they can be washed quickly with a little bit of soap.

#6 Good Dog Bowls

We like to buy the stainless steel bowls. They can't chew or eat them like they can plastic and they clean up easily.

When the puppy gets bigger you will want to elevate the bowl to prevent you baby from getting bloat.

When ours were finally potty trained we attached them to the inside of their kennel door. It works out great!

#7 A Strong Leash And Collar

We love these braided kinds. They seem to be light enough for a new puppy to

walk around and do their business, but also strong enough when the dog is grown to hold your ground.

These collars also seem to be the best for us. They don't have the pointy parts that a lot of choke collars have (which we do not like).

However they do give enough resistance when they pull a little too hard.

When picking up a puppy from us please remember a leash because on your way home you will need to take potty breaks. We will provide you with a puppy collar.

#8 A Bed Or Cot

In all of our years of puppies and dogs, it seems the way to go is with the elevated cot. Every "indestructible bed" has proven to be destructible.

Also the cot elevates the dog off of the floor which is easier on their joints.

#9 Think Big...Like A Fence

Some like to go with a invisible fence. We have never had luck with these. Either the power goes out or the Furbaby is so smart they have figured out that the shock is worth it.

So we went with a stable cattle panel fence. You will have to watch to see if they fit through the size fence you pick, but our dogs are pretty big and they are not getting through the cattle panel. Now just have to make sure everyone shuts the gates. haha

#10 Something You Can't Buy But Need

Love And Patience

There is never enough love when it comes to puppies. They love attention and will bond with you instantly. Patience is definitely needed. They are going to chew what they shouldn't, pee and poop everywhere, and whine pretty annoyingly while you are trying to sleep. But it is so worth every long night, pair of shoes, or piddle on your floor.

Hopefully this helps someone prepare for their new puppy that has been welcomed into their home.

We send every puppy home with a Birth Record, Vet Records, A Soft Toy that smells like Mama, and a Bag of Puppy Food to mix in for the next few feedings. Along with answering any question you may have along the way.

What will you buy your furbaby today? Wilson Wonders

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