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Planning out fall projects and balancing life.

A Hunter meets a DIYer is a recipe for either great success or stress. My husband and I have been getting along great actually for a solid 7 years already. That does not mean that there are some disagreements here and there. We have learned to compromise for each others needs and differences in personality.

Since having children my hunting time has depleted. It is always something that I have loved to do, but I can understand that my Husband loves it more. I have no problem being inside with our babies, especially on a cold fall morning; making sure a pot of coffee and a warm breakfast is making the house smell terrific.

HOWEVER this means that the planning, painting, project starting, and creative mind in the form of his Wife is on hyperdrive. When you are in the house regularly your eyes fix on your wall, the floors, and for me personally anything that needs to be organized. Picking up messes hourly really makes me get down to the bottom of the stuff we own and if we are using our home efficiently. Anything I can do to make my family happier and our daily operations run smoothly is a big deal to me.

We just recently cleaned out closet and donated toys, a total of 11 bags out of our home. Seasonally, this is a habit we have all come to realize we need.

For myself, any in home projects that I am trying to accomplish need to be done before the week of Thanksgiving because I like to take time and enjoy my family around the holidays. We love to bake, frost cookies, decorate our home and do holiday activities. I do not want anything to interrupt that time of year. Very similar for my Husband and his hunting vacation time. So I know that any projects that I need his physical help on need to happen before the end of October.

The first project for this fall was new paint and trim in the living room as well as sanding and

repainting some kitchen cupboards. are almost done, we just have one more section to go.

The other project is turning the hall closet into a pantry. Oh ya, did I mention that we are on a tight budget as well, so

doing these projects also needs to include a low price tag or paint and wood supplies we currently have to make this happen.

One of the last projects that I am looking at getting into is the floor in our bathroom. We already have all of the materials, which is a great thing. So now I just have to work it into the schedule. This week is finishing the hall closet(pantry) and putting the kitchen back together after refinishing it. Next week will be attempting to get the bathroom floor in.. The demolition part of it is the hardest(tearing up the old flooring) but I hope it goes smoothly for me this time.

Having our projects in order and finished will allow us to enjoy our hunting and Holiday seasons collectively. Then all that is left is family time and of course lots of time in the kitchen celebrating the rest of the year together.

Please follow along for blogs on all of these projects and renovations.

What projects do you have in mind before the Holidays begin? Wilson Wonders

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