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Our Daily Farm Chores

How hard is it really?

When I was little the thought of feeding the chickens and collecting eggs; while possibly having a chicken jump on me was terrifying!!!

Now at age 35 I LOVE THE FARM LIFE and the farm animals.

Keep in mind that the jumping bird thing still freaks me out, but we have built chicken coops so we can collect the eggs away from the roosting bar. Thank Goodness.

Now we are raising our kids and teaching them to love the farm life as well.

That goes for the chores too!

It is not just feeding an animal enough to make sure it stays alive.

It's creating a bond, trust, and overall better life experience for us and them.

Here is a list below of what we do on a daily basis that may help out someone else at their home or homestead.

Easy Daily Homestead Life Chores:

  • Eat a morning meal before you start outside on a project.

You will thank us later for this one. So many times we have gone out and started a project and then hours go by without eating or drinking. With the current heat wave in Michigan, this is a big no no.

  • Do some kind of laundry, either washing or folding. (rarely do both get done in the same day)

  • Take Scrap and Compost Buckets Outside

Scraps to animals and compost to outdoor bin.

  • Go tell your animals Good Morning! Every gets their daily portion of food and plenty of water.

Our order goes like this:

Dogs, Pigs, Goats, Chickens, and Meat Chickens

Feeding them consists of filling feed into each scooper out of buckets(like the ones beside).

Place all containers on the front of the 4 wheeler or tractor, driving to each pen and delivering the goods.

While we are out there we spend time petting each one, scratching bellies or backs and talking to them.

  • Collect Eggs

  • We check our gates and fencing daily, if not twice a day.

  • We fill their swimming holes with water if we have not had any rain in a while.

  • We put feed for tomorrow in a bucket with water and let it soak overnight for next day feedings.

  • We water the gardens.

  • Pick Weeds

  • Fill bedding where needed

Chase kids around and have family time(throughout the day)

  • Make some dinner..before 9:00 pm (we've had many late night dinners)

  • At some point RELAX, READ A BOOK, PRAY, MEDITATE(whatever floats your boat) AND LET YOUR MIND RELAX

Here is a video of one of our days on the farm doing chores.

How will you make your chores simpler today? Wilson Wonders

Thank You For Reading!!

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