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First Blog Ever

Updated: Feb 8, 2020

The adventure begins: 3 years in the making

The nervousness in my head has begun to take over. Can we really do this? Are we going to remember not to make the same mistakes? We must succeed!


The Purpose

Why we decided to do something out of the norm. Our first reason: OUR CHILDREN

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by.”

-Robert Frost

Our Children

Watching cartoons on Netflix a few times a day or watching a few YouTube channels is a great way to "entertain the kids". When you are trying to get the laundry folded, unload the dishwasher, or feed the animals you can get a lot more done without a baby on your hip. However making sure that your babes are not so tuned in that they forget about nature can be a challenge in the time of technology.

We want them to know that after a few hours of pitching in; fun follows. Wanting our children to find the NEED in their life for the outdoors: hunting, fishing, and growing their own food.

CHOOSING to feel the sunshine on their face, smell the flowers, put their toes in the sand, run with the animals, or go build a snowman. We use to spend the whole day riding bikes, eating mud pies, and using our imagination. How can we pass up the opportunity to let our kids be kids?

While I've just got done doing the dishes and picking up for the 100th time this most of you. I'm looking at my two year old and all of my questions are answered.

We can do this! We may not have it all figured out yet and I know we will make mistakes. BUT just making the effort we are already showing our children to be brave, to try new things and that it is ok to jump in and learn as you go. Now, how to convince the 12 yr old that chores are more fun then her phone? Wilson Wonders

Please join us~as we share all of our experiences in our homesteading journey.

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