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Home Bound With Your Family

Everyone is feeling it. The stress of your work being shut down or slowing down a lot. Homeschooling your kiddos or finding someone to watch them. Not enough money to pay the bills, can't take you kids to a "fun activity", can't take your family on spring break, cancelling vacations, running low on groceries.

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These are times that we are not use to. But it is in our genes to survive. Our grandparents and family members have been through the great depression, have been through wars. My Grandparents slept in a tent well into colder weather while they built their home, pretty cool huh?!

We can do this.

While I know that social events have been cancelled and sports are also cancelled so your TV time has been interrupted This can be devastating to some..But I urge you to find yourself, your deeper self. Actually "be" with your family. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and maybe even spiritually. Read a book, eat a meal with your family, do a science project with your kid, open up a Christmas present that hasn't been opened yet. You know what I am talking about; one of those "art kits".

We happened to have a projector planetarium, we set it up. Shut off the lights and we all liked it. Sophia and Elias(our kids) were laughing, saying "oooo" and "ahhh".

It was nice to have the TV off, the phones down, Facebook ignored and just to be enjoying our family. Here's part of one of our days.

While the time is unknown for sure as to how long everything is going to be "shut down" and while people are healing; maybe it is time to take a step back and change our way of thinking.. The food at the grocery store is grown by a farmer-maybe it is time to start growing a garden. Seeds are not sold out, in store or online. Fight and provide for your family the right way.

We will continue to post videos and ideas for you to do with your family. While we can not help you financially we hope to give you some encouragement and entertainment. You can subscribe to our YouTube by clicking the link below. As well as scrolling down to the bottom and subscribing here on our Blog.

What new adventures will you do with your family, new projects, what memories are you going to make?....Wilson Wonders

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