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Family Tradition

Enjoy The Little Things In Life...One Day You Will Realize They Were The Big Things!

We Planted Our 3000 Pumpkin Seeds Today!!!

Wow, was that a workout. So why did we do it?

That's Simple: Family Tradition.

When we were little we would get an opportunity to go to the " Pumpkin Patch".

Usually on a farm with some animals, an area to run and play, and of course donuts or cider.

This is a family tradition that we, along with many of you, still carry on with our kids. We like seeing smiles on their faces and we like to remember that feeling ourselves.

Well, I'm sure we are not the only ones that have noticed that many "Pumpkin Patches" have turned into elaborate expensive bouncy castle ticket sellers.

We feel like they may have lost the point.

So while deciding what we wanted our property to be, besides a farm and place to grow nutrition, we want it to be a place where people can start a new family tradition.

See some farm animals, pick some pumpkins, flowers in the summer, have a treat or two and play some yard games with their families and friends. We are excited about this idea!

The first step was planting the pumpkin patch.

Which we did yesterday- just in time for it to rain this morning.

So God willing with good weather this spring and summer, we will be able to offer a good produce selection, a pumpkin patch and a good time to families.

What Family Traditions do you remember/cherish? Wilson Wonders

Here is a video of us planting our first Pumpkin Patch

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