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DIY Cinnamon Ornaments

These ornaments will add some family fun and some smell good feels to your home before Christmas.

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We love baking and creating in our home. Lately we have had to be a little more creative because it seems like we have already made most of our recipes.

We also normally love to eat the dough (just a little sample) before we bake the cookies. However I would stay away from eating or taste testing this dough. It will just taste like a mouthful of cinnamon which isn't the most pleasant. Yucky!!

Start off by getting some cookie cutters together. We used bells, trees, and stocking shapes.

Then roll out the dough on a flat surface to a 1/4 thickness.

If you go any thinner you may risk the ornament cracking when it dries. Press shapes into dough to cut out the ornaments.

We also used a little bit of freezer paper or wax paper because it will keep the dough from sticking to the tabletop or counter. There is nothing more frustrating than making perfect cut outs and not being able to transfer them to the cookie sheet without smashing the image.

My son just recently used playdoh for the first time so he was all about doing this activity. Since making these ornaments, when I make cookies or bread he calls it "play cookies".

He has always loved to help me in the kitchen, finding ingredients, and mixing the batters; but now he has an artsy side added to keep him interested.

Remove excess pieces around the shapes and form them into a new ball that can be flattened out and cut into more ornaments.

Make sure to poke a hole at the top of each cutout so you have a place to hang the ornament with ribbon. A straw works great to create the hole, but a tooth pick with a swirling motion will work just as well.

Another option would be to leave them whole like the picture below and you can glue them to make a wreath.

3 cups Applesauce

3 1/2 cups of Cinnamon

Mix Applesauce and Cinnamon together by hand or with a mixer. You are looking for a dough that can be rolled out and will hold a shape. If it seems too thin add more cinnamon.

Roll out dough about 1/4 thick and cut shapes.

Bake on a non stick pan (using a piece of parchment paper will ensure that they don't stick)

@ 200 degrees for 2 hours or until dried and firm.

Let cool completely.

After cooling you can paint them or just leave them natural.

Make a wreath, hang them on your tree or place them in a decorative bowl.

However you use them the smell of your house will be amazing and sure to put you in the Christmas mood.

Will you make these with only 3 days left 'til Christmas, maybe as a fun activity for your family, or a gift for someone else? Wilson Wonders

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