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# 5 Eating Healthy and Getting Stronger

Like many of you I can come up with a million other things to do other than work out. However with our goal to be a self reliant homestead, not caring about being in shape,'s not an option! It takes physical labor to build and run a homestead. Also, a big purpose of having a homestead, at least for us, is healthy eating by growing and raising our own food. Scroll down to find my 7 steps to losing weight and getting stronger.

#1 List YOUR Reasons

Here are some of mine:

Myself- While I have a pretty great self esteem....I want to be strong. I have a two year old and have been pregnant and lost a few times since then. My body has been broken down and rebuilt so many times (just enough to function again). So at this time I AM RE-BUILDNG. I want to be able to lift a gate open or dig a new post without help.

My Husband- Since we have met we have grown spiritually, and we are constantly growing mentally and emotionally. So, why not grow physically. On those small windows of opportunity where we have time to add on to our chicken coop, I want to be able to give him and the project my all, in physical strength. He is my equal, my partner, why not try to be at my best for him.

Our Children- I want to be a role model for them. I don't want them to have a physically incapable parent. I don't want them to grow up and do "yo-yo" dieting. I want them to have great self confidence. I want them to eat a balanced diet and know that physical activity is important to the body and the mind. I want them to learn by example and to give them the best tools possible to be successful in life.

#2 Eat Smaller Portions

Make sure you are eating an actual portion size. My fitness pal app is a great way to track all of your calories/portions.

Sometimes I find that if I eat on a smaller plate, I don't eat as much. As opposed to using a bigger plate and thinking it should be full.

#3 Eat Healthier Foods

Try to eat a handful of carrots or slices of cucumber when you are hungry in between meals; instead of going for that bag of chips or those packaged cookies. I could eat hand fulls of those crunchy snacks while I am picking out a "snack".

#4 Don't Eat Because You Are Bored

Make sure that you are actually hungry. If you are just bored or waiting for the work hours to go by, your body is not hungry. Try reading something or walking around and get away from your normal atmosphere. Time will go by faster.

#5 Cut Back On The Sweets

For some this may mean not eating that bowl of ice cream or cereal before bed. You really don't need that candy bar or that extra dinner on your drive home.

For others, like myself, it means not baking as many goodies for your household.

#6 Physical Activity

Buy a treadmill, go to the gym, walk around your house or up and down your stairs. Just move. Some days it seems impossible to find 20 minutes to yourself, but believe me, it is there. How many times have you spent hours on your phone or watching a Netflix series? You have the time, just prioritize it and yes it will make a difference, so move!!!!!

#7 Stick To It

Make it a way of life.

Not just a temporary fix or a reason to get into your wedding dress. Which I did! I am sure many woman have done as well.

Decide that this is the time, this is the change you need, the want, the life.


One of My Reasons

So ask yourself, Dig deep...What are your reasons? Wilson Wonders

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