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Building Simple Animal Housing

We had finally come up with a plan of what animals were going to work on our farm and benefit/provide for each other. Now the list begins...what do we need?

Water supply, feeders, fencing, electricity for winter, feed, hay, lots of LOVE and much more.

One of the many things that were needed to create and build was their housing.

We always choose to go the most economical but functional way possible. We knew that cement floor, brand new barns were not going to be the way to go. For one it takes some extra money to build those structures and for two a building permit would be needed.

We wanted to be able to move housing if we ever needed pallet boards to the rescue!

They are usually found free, they can help provide a fast base or wall structure, and are easily movable if ever needed in the future. With some planking board and a heat source they will also be perfect for the winter months.

Side Note: We do have a bigger barn that we could corral off if the winter months here in Michigan got below zero. However we wanted housing that could be in their pastures on a day to day basis.

Chris can just gather materials and go with a plan he makes up along the way. Which he did with the pig pen and it turned out great!

I have however found that I need to draw it up in some way and make a list of materials needed. So I took the reigns on the goat house and this is what we came up with. There are some pictures below and of course a video of us finishing up the goat house (minus the roofing). Along with a fun goat ramp that they love to use. Since then we have also added a slide that we watch them go down regularly, as well as our son. Everyone loves the added benefits of the farm life!

What materials do you have around to help you build items you may need without breaking the bank? Wilson Wonders

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