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Bone Broth And You

While we use Venison bone broth in our household, you can actually use pork, beef, veal, turkey, lamb, bison, buffalo, venison, chicken or fish.

Not only can the broth be used for meals, but it also has great health benefits as well. Here are some below:

1. Bone Broth has glycine in it.

Glycine has shown to improve sleep. Drink a warm cup before you dose off for the night.

2. It also contains Collagen.

Collagen breaks down into Gelatin while the boiling is taking place. The Gelatin is an amino acid which supports joint health. Drinking a cup a day may help lessen arthritis pain.

3. The Gelatin is great for your digestive track as well.

The Gelatin clings to water in you digestive track and helps food to digest.

Drinking bone broth may help people that have leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

4.Create Great Nutrients for your body.

These bones have calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus as well as many others. Which are the same nutrients the human body needs for it's bone growth.

The Marrow in the bones provide vitamin A, vitamin K2, minerals like zinc, iron, as well as omega-3.

Fish bones can actually help with thyroid and metabolism. They contain Iodine.

5. Weight Loss

Yes you read that correctly. Bone Broth contains a ton of nutrients boiled down into a liquid form that your body can easily absorb. So while you are filling up on stuff your body needs, the caloric intake is very low.

With recipes such as stews, soups, gravies,and our favorite deer shank; it adds such a deep taste along with added nutrients for your body.

We store our bone broth in different ways.

You can store it in the fridge for up to 5 days in a closed container. You can also pour it into ice cube trays and freeze the blocks, then move the blocks to a plastic bag in the freezer. So then you can just take out as many blocks as you need at different times.

One of our subscribers also had a great idea of using old juice bottles and filling those to place in the deep freeze. A great idea for big batches of bone broth. Thanks Terry for the suggestion.

With all of this new knowledge, will you be drinking bone broth as a nightly "cup of tea"? Wilson Wonders

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