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A Mother's Worth

“Keeping a home not only requires time, energy, and creativity, but it also calls for skills and experience. I believe homemaking is an art, and to pursue any piece of art demands time and talent.” —Dorothy Kelley Patterson

I am not talking about her actual worth; because we all know it's unmeasurable.

If you were to try to calculate a year of what a "Stay At Home Mother's/Father's" regular scheduled job would amount to in the working may be suprised.

At a bare minimum:child care is being given. There is one person making sure every child in the houshold is at least alive and unharmed at the end of the day. For a minimum we will estimate one child.

Average Cost of Child Care in Michigan(2023)

In Michigan, the cost of Child Care varies depending on the age of the child. For infants, the average annual cost of care amounts to $10,861, which breaks down to approximately $905 per month.

As children grow older, the expenses decrease slightly. For a 4-year-old, Child Care costs an average of $8,890 annually, equivalent to around $741 per month. These figures reflect the significant financial commitment families face when seeking quality Child Care options in Michigan. It is essential for parents to consider these costs as they plan their budgets and make decisions regarding their child´s care and early education.

So let's split the difference and say $830 per Month for 1 child for child care.

Next up would be a housemaid/cleaning company. We will say at a minimum the house is cleaned 2 times a week.

How Much Does Professional House Cleaning Cost? (2024 Data)

House cleaning services cost an average of $172 per visit, or around $50 per hour. Most pay between $117and $235 per visit.

Ok, that's easy. 172x2visits= $344

Maid Services $344 per Month

So then there is a chef/personal cook.

Just how much is a personal cook? Nationally, the average private chef cost starts around $60 per person, not including gratuity. Depending on the menu that you select, private chef experiences on Cozymeal range from $59 to $129 for each guest, with the price per guest decreasing as your party grows in size.

So we will say at a minimum..3 people total..Mom, Dad, and a child.

Most families are not eating Steak and Poached eggs every night so...$59/meal/person

3 people x and $59 x3 meals/day=531x7 days a week x 4 weeks=$14,868.00

Personal Chef totals to $14,868.00 per Month

Accountant/bookkeeper..Because we have bills to pay and budgets to balance.

Hiring a bookkeeper or junior-level CPA costs $40 to $100 per hour. The cost of an accountant depends on the location, business size, and services needed, as well as their education, experience, and specializations.

Realizing not everyone runs a farm/business..we will keep this low at $40/hour. This will take care of the bills, and budget.

Once a week=4 times/month=160.00

Bookkeeper $160.00 per Month

Laundry Services

How Much Does Laundry Service Cost?

Local small town in Michigan, you can expect around $1.50 for each pound of laundry. So, just how much does a load of laundry cost? Around $15 and $20 in most areas. So we will say minimum 6 loads/week, equaling 24 loads/ Month. $20/loadx24loads=480.

Laundry Services equal to $480.00 per month.

So at a minimum the children are cared for, the house is kind of cleaned at 2 times per week, everyone is cooked for 3 times per day, bill, budgets, and appointments are taken care of, and there are clean clothes. This does not include therapist, coach, homeschool teacher, vacation planner, or any of the othe trillion jobs/tasks you have on a regular basis.

At the bare minimum per Month our minimum worth in monetary means amounts to:16,682.00

A Monetary Total worth per year is $200,184.00 for the "Stay at Home Mother/Father". Maybe this will help you understand what your significant other really does all day, or the positions they fill. Be appreciative of them. If you are the SAHM or SAHD reading this..send it to the other person. I hope as you read helped you put into perspective how much YOU ARE WORTH just based on doing the bare minimum at home for your family. Most of us are doing so much more than that. BE PROUD.

Who could you honor today?

Who could you show appreciation to that fills these rolls?

How could you show them you appreciate them?

-Wilson Wonders

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