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#4 Balanced Diet For Our English Mastiffs

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

Suzie and Macgyver

Cuddling up after dinner.

One thing that we are asked often is..what should I feed my mastiff?

The goal is to have a balanced diet based on a ratio close to this:

Protein (min.) 24.0%, Fat (min.) 14.5%, Fiber (max.) 4.0%

Along with a grain free Large Breed kibble

Our Dogs seem to like True Acre

Available for a lower cost through Chewy.

Click on picture below.

We also feed Our Mastiffs raw meat. They love some venison scraps!

I know some of you are worried because we humans need most everything to be cooked. However a Mastiff Dog has the perfect enzymes for digesting raw meats. It is a great way to make sure they are getting their protein.

You can also give your Mastiff an egg a few times a week. Most of the time you don't even have to crack it. Eggs are a great source of protein and the shell gives them an extra dose of calcium.

Please consult your vet when changing up your dog's food. Especially if they are a senior dog, too much protein may be a bad thing for them.

Dog Treats and Chews

We have definitely been through the dog and toy isle in every store as well as online. Anyone with a puppy or dog knows the frustration when trying to find the perfect chewing toy/bone.

Please DO NOT give your dog raw hides. It can be hard to digest and if your dogs are anything like ours: they do not chew enough and it could pose a choking hazard.

Also beware that if you have bought your dog a squeeky toy and they start pulling out stuffing; throw it away or take out the squeeker.

We especially love Himalayan Dog Chews. We have found that most bones just do not last long enough. THESE ONES ACTUALLY DO. They are a hard dehydrated cheese and the dogs love them. Also found on Chewy- Click Photo Below.

"Made for generations in the Himalayan foothills of Nepal as a nutritious snack by the local population. They are known locally as 'Churpi'. Made from a few, simple ingredients (Yak milk, salt, and lime juice) they are low fat, high in protein and packed full of nutrients."

Elevated Dog Bowl

When feeding your dog please elevate the dog bowl as they grow. If they eat or drink from a ground level bowl it can cause bloat, especially in a Mastiff. We don't like eating off of the floor-neither do they :)

Our Mama Roxy being a good girl while we take a picture.

You can see in the photo that I actually took their bigger old food bowl and glued it to the new bowl (found below). A few zip ties and tada. It was only about $5 per dog and now they will eat a lot more comfortably.

Also found at Chewy

(click on picture)

Hopefully some of these tips help you and your dog out. What changes will you make for your "Best Friend" today? Wilson Wonders

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